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Vietnam first Comprehensive Care Model for Kidney Dialysis patients

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National data report
Based on recent statistics, around 8.7 million adults in Vietnam are affected by chronic kidney disease. Of these, 100,000 are in the end stages and need replacement therapy. In Ho Chi Minh City alone, there are 4,000 such patients. This situation poses significant challenges for both the patients and healthcare system as a whole.
Financial burden on patients
 Each dialysis session costs approximately 1,100,000 VND, with only 550,000 VND covered in Health Insurance.
Patients need to undergo dialysis three times a week, resulting in a monthly cost of approximately 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 VND.
This financial burden puts many patients at risk of financial hardship, affecting their quality of life.
Over- crowded hospitals and health-care facilities
Lê Văn Thịnh Hospital is currently providing regular dialysis treatment for over 200 patients. According to the medical staff, the dialysis room is always operating at full capacity with 40 beds and continuously running 4 shifts per day.



Direct Beneficiaries: 240 patients at Le Van Thinh hospital, Can Gio Medical Centre and their family members

Indirect Beneficiaries: Patients from other health - care facilities benefited from the dissemination of Comprehensive Care Model after project concludes


Develop a Comprehensive Care Model for dialysis patients that covers physical, psychological, spiritual health and other social aspects of patients' lives 

Replicate this model of care to other hospitals and healthcare centers in Vietnam


Capacity- strengthening for health-care professionals


3 years (Jan 2024- Dec 2026)


Direct comprehensive support for patients and care-givers
  • Offering comprehensive support to patients with chronic kidney disease through financial assistance, the creation of patient clubs, and caregiver activities aimed at enhancing knowledge and improving both physical and mental well-being for all participants.
Implementing multi-disciplinary approach
  • Multi-disciplinary coordination is essential for implementing a comprehensive, timely, and effective care plan. In this model, nephrologists, nurses, renal dietitians, rehabilitation providers, psychologists, and social work experts collaborate as a care team. They work together to evaluate and support patients in all aspects, including physical, mental, spiritual, nutritional, and life regulation, as well as promoting social inclusion. 

Dissemination and replication of model
Capacity- strengthening for health-care professionals
  • In addition to supporting patients and their families, the project also aims to enhance the training and diagnostic capabilities of healthcare workers. This is achieved by offering scholarships for doctors and nurses to attend courses abroad in countries specializing in comprehensive and palliative care, such as Australia and Singapore. 

Technological Improvement 
  • Improving technology in managing patients with tailored applications and softwares to alleviate burden for doctors and nurses and improve efficacy in communication between healthcare workers, patients and their families.​

  • Pushing communication and media activities to raise public awareness and disseminate Comprehensive care model to other hospitals and medical centers nationwide.


First- ever model in Vietnam
This is the first comprehensive care model applied to patients with chronic kidney disease  in Vietnam.
Project Sustainability 

We prioritize the sustainability of this project by emphasizing long-term impact over short-term outcomes. Our goal is to develop a model that can be shared and replicated in other hospitals across Vietnam, ensuring lasting benefits beyond the project’s conclusion, rather than merely providing temporary relief for patients. 

Collaboration with reputable partners
Projects partners include Le Van Thinh hospital, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy – Ho Chi Minh City and other well-known medical universities with expertise in comprehensive care, multi-disciplinary care and palliative care in Singapore and Australia.
A technology- driven project 
Le Van Thinh hospital consistently invests in advanced medical techniques and equipments to evaluate and manage patients effectively. This commitment has been demonstrated through its rapid development over the past 16 years. 
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​You can help change the lives of dialysis patients and their loved ones now!

ASIF - Dự án nhà vệ

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The project aims to provide practical benefits, enabling chronic kidney disease patients on dialysis to access improved medical care and lead healthier, happier lives. Your support is a valuable gift, offering faith and hope to those navigating the challenges of living with chronic kidney disease.


ASIF Foundation



Le Van Thinh Hospital


University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City


Center for Healthcare Improvement Research- CHIR

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